Hey there, Friend!
As we usher in 2024, I find myself brimming with gratitude and excitement for the strides we took together in 2023. Each victory, big and small, has fueled our unstoppable momentum to make this new year even more impactful for women of color in the retail industry.
This year, we’re launching our ambitious We Should Know Each Other ™ Across America tour, designed to forge deeper connections within our community and beyond. Our tour will consist of intimate C-Suite dinners where ideas and inspiration are the main course, workshops that are breeding grounds for innovation, discussions that challenge and provoke, and learning opportunities that promise growth. And our networking events will be, as always, inimitable – the WOC Retail Alliance stamp of quality is guaranteed.
To make this tour a resounding success, we’re calling for partners who share our vision, volunteers who are the heartbeat of our movement, and sponsors ready to invest in a transformative future. If your city isn’t on our list yet, invite us—we’d love to make it a part of our journey.
Let’s reiterate our guiding stars – our mission, vision, and values:
MISSION We’re here to ensure women of color have opportunities to thrive and succeed in the retail industry.
VISION To see women of color elevated, and the C-suite diversified, resulting in an industry transformed.
VALUES Belonging, Readiness, Connectedness, Empowerment, Advocacy, andEquity are the pillars that hold us steadfast in our quest for a retail landscape where women of color thrive authentically and equitably.
Your voice has power, and so does your network. Share our newsletter and spread the word about the Women of Color Retail Alliance. Because in the end, “We Should Know Each Other” isn’t just a statement—it’s a call to action for inclusivity and success.
Here’s to a year of breakthroughs and connections!
KLM, CEO, Women of Color Retail Alliance, wocretailalliance.org