Be Inkandescent magazine is a radically happy, realistically inspiring, “learn to help yourself” online puiblication filled with great advice and ideas for entrepreneurs, by entrepreneurs.
Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?
That’s the vision of publisher, journalist, and author Hope Katz Gibbs, a passionate dreamer who was born a storyteller. She seeks to tell the truth, despite the fact that it is often different for everyone.
With the help of her spirited, inspired, ready-to-change-the world clients who write for the magazine, they hire Hope to stand beside their brilliant businesses as their PR partner. She says she loves when she gets a call to work with a company that’s on the verge of offering something born from an idea because it gives her the opportunity to look inside the engine of a well-oiled machine, polish up some of its facets that may have been overlooked, and shine a spotlight on others that have been well cared for.
Of course, Hope knows that not all companies are ready for her spectacular suite of services—but still must keep their companies glowing and growing, she wrote PR Rules: The Playbook.
With the assistance of Kathleen McCarthy, a trusted friend and the managing editor of, the book is the first in a series of tomes that help guide business owners on their journey.
Other titles that Hope’s publishing company, Inkanescent Books, is currently working on include:
- “PR Rules: The Journal,” a self-help guide to maximizing your inner publicist.
- “Management Rules,” a deck of cards to remind you what it means to work and play well with others, and the “Hiring Rules Day Timer: 52 Tips to Help You Hire Slowly, Fire Fast.”
- “So you Want to Be A …” a series of guidebooks and apps to help high school and college students, as well as career changers, find their way along the business path.
- “Why Divorce? Why Marry?” a two-part book featuring case studies and resources to help couples figure out if they should stay or if they should go.
Here’s the premise: “I’ll date you, but I don’t want to be married to you anymore. I am going to live by the sea. I am going to sit on my balcony and drink coffee while the sun rises, and white wine while it sets. In between, I’m going to take long walks, make new friends, visit with old friends, find new lovers, and remember what it means to feel beautiful—inside and out.
“I’m going to keep writing, and working, and traveling, and being with my kids whenever they’ll let me, have great adventures as often as possible, and never ever ever again be afraid of anything. Not the mortgage, taxes, the future, your impotence, your negativity, the word no—or anything else that I have been worrying about for so long. I’m done with that way of being. I am returning to my true nature, to being optimistic and happy and ready to embrace the beauty of life. Come and get me, happiness! I am very excited to have you fill up my hear and my life. Who’s with me?
If you are ready to breathe new life into the phrase, carpe diem, we’d love for you to come along for the ride! For more information, visit
About Hope Katz Gibbs
Hope Katz Gibbs is a PR, writing, and creativity coach, who helps professionals and career changers—as well as high school, and college students—strategize and create a clever, fun, and playful step-by-step approach to accomplishing their big dreams.
The journalist with 30 years of writing experience is the publisher of Be Inkandescent business magazine, author of Truly Amazing Women Who Are Changing the World, and founder of Inkandescent Public Relations, which since 2008 has been helping entrepreneurs get more visibility.
In 2012, Gibbs launched Inkandescent Books, a publishing company that specializes in tactical, inspirational titles and products to help readers move past the stuck places in their lives. Her most recent series is the InkandescentRulebooks, which includes titles such as her “PR Rules: The Playbook & Journal,”: as well as Dr. Alice Waagen’s Management Rules: 12 Tips to Managing Well, and Hiring Rules: 52 Ways to Hire Slow, Fire Fast.
She is currently at work on the So You Want 2 Be A series, an online subscription service that provides jobs data and analysis, as well as information on the best colleges and costs for an education in a variety of industries. Based on research and extensive interviews with hundreds of professionals, the site also offers assessments on the best jobs for the Career Confused, and the Career Confident, who are looking for insight into the best careers to 2020.
Hope also is the managing director of Inkandescent Speakers, an international speaker’s bureau that features experienced entrepreneurs from a variety of industries. With a playful sense of humor, sage advice, and engaging exercises, Inkandescent Speakers bring decades of real world and entrepreneurial experience to these half- and day-long workshops, keynote speeches, lunch-and-learns, and cocktail party chats.
To learn more about The Inkandescent Group LLC, contact Hope Katz Gibbs by phone at 703 346-6975, or by email: