Illuminate Philanthropy: Adapting to Eight Trends in Philanthropic Advising

Listen to the Illuminate Philanthropy podcast on Ep7 Illuminate Philanthropy — Trend 7: AI for Good with Daylight’s founder Dien Yuen

In this episode: You’ll meet Daylight’s founder and CEO Dien Yuen who shares insights into Trend 7 — AI for Good. “This includes understanding the fundraising/donor profile, grantmaking augmentation, and philanthropic funding areas,” she explains.

Illuminate Philanthropy is a podcast series powered by Daylight, a global professional development community for philanthropy and social impact. In each episode, you’ll learn about the practices and networks to maximize philanthropy’s potential for transforming lives. Whether you’re in nonprofit development, wealth management, or passionate about social change, Daylight provides you with the skills to navigate the evolving world of wealth and philanthropy.

In Season 1, we feature Daylight’s current research: “Adapting to Eight Trends in Philanthropic Advising.”

Hosted by Megan Bell, Daylight’s Director of Engagement, each episode features a member of the Daylight team who share insights into the 8 Trends, including:

Trend 1: The Changing Base with Daylight’s founder Dien Yuen and Daylight’s Director of Advisor Practice Tony Macklin

Trend 2: Evolving Definitions with Tony Macklin

Trend 3: Evolving Vehicles with Daylight’s Advisor Practice Specialist Rick Peck

Trend 4: Questioning Norms with Daylight’s Director of Strategic Impact Crystal Thompkins

Trend 5: Growing Mistrust with Crystal Thompkins

Trend 6: Wealth Planning with Rick Peck

Trend 7: AI for Good with Dien Yuen

Trend 8: Messy Marketplace with Dien Yuen

Stay tuned for Season 2: Insights from the Field, which includes interviews with industry experts as well as graduates of Dien’s Impact Philanthropy Advisor program: 

Don’t miss a single episode! Learn more: