Episode 21: Margaritas with Marguerita Cheng, CFP® Pro — Baby Boomer Women everywhere need to meet Lynn Evans, founder of Women of Substance

Listen to the podcast on Inkandescent Radio What does it mean for Lynn Evans, CFP® to be a woman of substance?

In this podcast, you'll learn the back story of Lynn's organization and her powerful book, "Power of the Purse." Don't miss it!

A Note from Marguerita Cheng, CFP® Pro Hello friends! We had a wonderful conversation on June 11th with Lynn Evans, CFP®, founder of Women of Substance.

Our topic: The issues that Baby Boomer women face when they confront widowhood, grey divorce, and retirement.

Listen to our podcast now to learn:

  • What encouraged Lynn to start her organization, Women of Substance?
  • What inspired her to write her bestselling book, “Power of the Purse”?
  • The biggest mistakes women make with their money, and the mistakes their husbands make, too.
  • Actionable advice Lynn has for our listeners.
  • What’s next for Lynn!

About Lynn Evans: Lynn founded Women of Substance, LLC after the successful sale of her primary business to her senior financial advisor because she saw a gap in the knowledge base of women her own age.

“I acknowledged that the men in my clients’ lives had been lovingly (or not!) controlling the family purse strings, but once retirement, widowhood, or divorce hit, these women were left with nowhere to turn,” explains Lynn, who resolved to end that dependence and replace it with knowledge.

Lynn’s book, Power of the Purse: Fear Free Finances for Baby Boomer Women, has won accolades, as has her weekly podcast, Power of the Purse. Learn more at www.lynnsevans.com.

About Margaritas with Marguerita: Every Friday at 5pm EST, we invite you to start the weekend off right with 15 minutes of financial tips by Rita Cheng, CFP® Pro — a certified financial planner on a mission to help all women flex their financial muscles. Based on the information from Rita’s upcoming book, “Diary of a CFP® Pro,” this show is also part of a webinar series that Rita will be teaching through www.InkandescentWomen.com.

Thank you! — Rita, www.MargueritaCheng.com