Want to give back during this time of great sorrow and loss? Check out the Photo Forward Feed Campaign: Passions in America that is donating money to SOME: “So Others Might Eat,” an interfaith, community-based service organization that exists to help and support residents of our nation’s capital experiencing homelessness and poverty.
SOME offers a variety of services, including affordable housing, counseling, addiction treatment, and job training. In addition, SOME helps meet immediate daily needs by providing food, clothing, and healthcare to those in need.
Passions in America founders Dan McGinn and Joe Posnanski explain that they began with a simple notion: We are more than who the demographics say we are. Here’s why.
Dusty Baker, longtime baseball player and manager, gave us some insight into this. He told us that the countless stories written about him through the years always seemed to focus on him being African-American. They always seemed to focus on his age. They always seemed to focus on qualities that he himself did not think about much. “I think I’m more than all that,” he said.
Dusty Baker is a Marine. He is an energetic teacher who dedicates much of his time to instilling self-confidence in young athletes. He is a gardener. He is a wine maker. He is a movie buff who is sure to watch “It’s A Wonderful Life” every year to “remind myself that it really is.”
We are all like that, all of us more than the age, race, sex, education, and salary level of the surveys we inevitably fill out.
About Passions in America: Dan McGinn and Joe Posnanski have spent their lives studying passion, Dan in the secret boardrooms of Fortune 100 companies dealing with extreme challenges; Joe in ballparks and stadiums at the biggest sporting events around the world. They came together on the belief that our passions have never been more important than they are right now in today’s anxious, saturated, and divided time.
“Our mission is to explore the passions that inspire us, unify us, embolden us and give our lives balance, definition, and joy,” the partners explain. Scroll down to read their bios.
Join in: Photo, Forward, Feed
- Take a photo of something that brings you joy, comfort, inspiration during these trying times.
- Forward that photo to photos@passionsinamerica.com
- For every person who sends us a photo, we will donate $10 to the D.C. area charity So Others Might Eat (SOME).
The Goal: $25,000 to go to the nonprofit, So Others Might Eat!
Questions? Reach out to Passions in America!
About Dan McGinn: “I have quietly studied passion all of my life,” says the founder and CEO of McGinn and Company, who for more than a quarter century has guided corporations, universities, government agencies, law firms and individuals through some of the most complicated and challenging crises of our time. He has been retained by more than a third of the Fortune 100 and counseled hundreds of CEOs, elected officials, University Presidents and prominent individuals.
“Along the way, I have developed a unique understanding and appreciation of the power of passion, how it creates massive shifts in society and how it affects us in countless ways we rarely think about,” adds Dan, who has numerous passions of his own — from history to baseball to cars to country music. Dan and his wife Debby live in Arlington, Va with their beloved King Charles Spaniel, Gracie.
About Joe Posnanski: Having written about sports for more than thirty years, Dan has covered events on every continent except Antarctica, in more than 30 countries and in 46 of the 50 states. “That means I have spent my professional life writing about passion,” shares the executive columnist for MLB Media and has been national columnist for NBC Sports and Sports Illustrated. He is also a No. 1 New York Times bestselling author and has been named National Sportswriter of the Year by five different organizations.
Joe and his wife Margo live in Charlotte with their two daughters, Elizabeth and Katie, and their dog Westley. Joe’s personal passions, aside from sports, range from magic to gadgets to classic movies.