Restauranteur Ron Mahoney is our PW Classmates feature this month. Since high school, he has run multiple restaurants, but he dreamt of opening an autobody shop back then. After attending tech school for three years, going into the food business with his wife seemed like a better opportunity.
In fact, Ron met his wife, Margaret Mahoney (Peggy), on his 18th birthday while walking down the street. “I told her it was my birthday and got a kiss from her.” They married in 1985 and had their first son that year. Their second son came in 1986, the third son arrived in 1988, and boys 4 and 5 arrived in 1992 and 1994. Ron shares that another love of his life is Simba, “the cutest bulldog ever!”
The couple’s history in food started with a pharmacy luncheonette. It was so popular that the pharmacy’s owners decided to add a kitchen and a bigger seating area. In 1997, Ron and Peggy took ownership of the luncheonette and completed the renovation. An opportunity for a second location near King of Prussia arose in 2003 when the Gateway Cafe II was born.
After a series of openings and closing of two more restaurants, in 2023, Ron and Peggy opened the 4th Street Cafe in Bridgeport: 4thstreetcafebridgeport.com
What’s his favorite dish at the cafe? Cheesesteaks, burgers, and the breakfast bowls. Click here to check out the delicious menu: 4thstreetcafebridgeport.com/food-menu
What advice does Ron have for others about creating your best life? “Don’t ever give up your dream,” he insists. “I hope all of my fellow classmates are all doing well as I am, if not better.”
See the video above that will make you want to head over to the 4th Street Cafe today! And check out more great stories on Ron’s Instagram page: instagram.com/4thstreetcafe__bridgeport and on YouTube!
Visit Ron at the Cafe: 26 W 4th Street, Bridgeport, PA 19405 • 610-489-4640
Hours: MON & TUES: 6:30 AM – 3 PM • WED – THU – FRI: 6:30 AM – 8 PM • SAT & SUN: 8 AM – 2 PM