Go With the Flow

March 2021: A Note from Hope Katz Gibbs, publisher, BeInkandescent Health & Wellness magazine — I am a big fan of the Daily Om, a website that offers inspirational thoughts for a happy, happy, and fulfilling day. I often print these out and always put them into a folder for future reference.

When the topic, the Flow of the Universe, popped up this month, I took it as a good omen as it the theme of the March 2021 issue of our magazine. It is also the focus of my morning meditations as I work with our architects to manifest the first BeInkandescent Health & Wellness Retreat Center.

I learned a long time ago that anything worth building has a rhythm and flow of its own. It is the job of the creators to tap into it as this entry teaches:

Many people live their lives struggling against the current, while others use the flow like a mighty wind.

The flow of the universe moves through everything. It’s in the rocks that form, get pounded into dust, and are blown away, the sprouting of a summer flower born from a seed planted in the spring, the growth cycle that every human being goes through, and the current that takes us down our life’s paths. When we move with the flow, rather than resisting it, we are riding on the universal current that allows us to flow with life. 

Many people live their lives struggling against this current. They try to use force or resistance to will their lives into happening the way they think it should. Others move with this flow like a sailor using the wind, trusting that the universe is taking them exactly where they need to be at all times. This flow is accessible to everyone because it moves through and around us. We are always riding this flow. It’s just a matter of whether we are willing to go with it or resist it. Tapping into the flow is often a matter of letting go of the notion that we need to be in control at all times. The flow is always taking you where you need to go. It’s just a matter of deciding whether you plan on taking the ride or dragging your feet.

I invite you to take the ride! 

That is what I did when I received an invitation to be on the Visual WOW podcast show from Jack Harzman, a fabulous (and quite famous) photographer who for decades has lived and worked in the metropolitan Washington, DC area.

“After more than 30 years as a professional photographer in the live events industry, I have learned all of the tricks and tips of the trade,” he shares and invites us to follow along each week as he discusses topics such as relationship building, scaling your business, and adjusting with the changing industry.

“No matter your place in the live events world, we all have a Visual WOW moment to share.”

Click here to listen to our 30-minute interview! 

Blue Bloods, “Custody Battle:” When Erin is assigned to investigate a case in which an on-duty police officer is accused of killing a suspect already in custody, Frank urges her to stick to the facts to avoid a publicity scandal for the NYPD. Meanwhile, Jamie urges Eddie to forgive her father for his past mistakes, on BLUE BLOODS, Friday, April 25 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured: Tom Selleck as Frank Reagan, Gregory Jbara as DCPI Garrett Moore. Photo: John Paul Filo/CBS ¨©2014 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.

And be sure to check out the amazing advice from 6 leaders featured in our March 2021 issue: Living the Life of Your Dreams

Wishing you a wonderful month full of joy, love, and happiness! 

Image of Zen Circles by Cynthia de Lorenzi, co-author, Your What’s Next Journal on Inkandesent Women magazine. Click here to learn how to create this magical art yourself!